Joan of Aza

Juana de Aza

Juana de Aza with her son St Dominic


Castilla la Vieja

August 2, 1205

Calaruega, Spain

Juana de Aza is the name gradually developed in hagiographical tradition for the mother of Saint Dominic. In the final form of this tradition she is said to have been born in 1135 in Castilla la Vieja and to have died at Caleruega (Dominic's birthplace) on 2 August 1205. Juana de Aza was beatified in 1828.

In the earliest biography of Dominic, by Jordan of Saxony, Dominic's parents are not named, but the story is told that before his birth his mother dreamed that a dog leapt from her womb carrying a torch in its mouth. Jordan adds that Dominic was brought up by his parents and a maternal uncle who was an "archpriest".[1] A later source, still of the 13th century, gives the names of Dominic's mother and father as Juana and Felix.[2] Nearly a century after Dominic's birth, a local author asserts that Dominic's father was vir venerabilis et dives in populo suo ("an honoured and wealthy man in his village");[3] later hagiographers, elaborating on this, gradually developed identities for his father, said to be a member of the local noble family Guzmán and for his mother, who was eventually attached to the neighbouring noble family Aza.


  1. ^ Jordan of Saxony, Libellus de principiis 4.
  2. ^ Pedro Ferrando, Legenda Sancti Dominici 4.
  3. ^ Rodrigo de Cerrato, Vita S. Dominici.

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